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  • sheilamarie223

The Journey of Quiet Time

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

My husband and I decided to book an eclectic cottage for a few days and take a break from traveling in our 160 sq ft motorhome. Enjoy a real kitchen and bathtub in the middle of the desert on a 150-acre ranch. THEN, he is called to work, literally on the other side of the country. I tell myself I will still stay there by myself. It's about me and letting my creativity flow. The dream of relaxing in the moment, reading a book, or writing a book. An afternoon hiking adventure or sitting by the infinity pool overlooking the mountains. Being free in my own creative space, with no one else to take care of but myself. AND THEN….I check-in, and within a few hours, I ask myself, sweet Jesus, what did I do?

I check into the little one-room cottage, the floor adorned with my favorite Sausalito tile. A bit worn, but I love the eclectic feel when I walk in. I unloaded my car in the 108-degree heat and noticed a giant stink bug on the inside of the glass door, I had no choice but to smother it with the white curtain hanging on the door. Yes, I may have been able to find another way to get rid of the bug other than the white curtain, but that was the safest and quickest way for me; after all, this week is about me.

I am elated to start my week of creative thinking; I pour myself a glass of wine and notice the ants crawling all over the floor. I tell myself it's okay. I am in an old cottage in the desert, and there will be ants, but it is okay.

I make dinner for myself. Thrilled that this dream of spending time writing, time with God, and time to relax and enjoy nature is finally absolute.

The sun has gone down. I turn one of the lamps on, read my devotion and journal, and look around my cottage, wondering how much I will accomplish this week. Suddenly I notice hundreds of gnats swarming on the ceiling above the lamp and immediately panic. I googled how to get rid of gnats. Many suggestions are the exact directions on getting rid of ants, Dawn dish soap, vinegar, etc. I do not have Dawn dish soap or vinegar, but I have dish soap in a container by the sink, not a spray bottle. Although I have a spray bottle that was left filled with a sanitized cleaner, why not give it a try, I spray it on the wall, and gnats immediately die, glued to the wall. There are so many swarming that I decide to shut the lamp off so the hot light bulb isn't sprayed. I stand on the chair in the dark, spray the ceiling, the walls around me, the lamp, and all of a sudden, I am coughing like crazy, I can’t breathe, and then I think, why don’t I wear a mask, in the mask hysteria of covid 19, I have one handy, I put it on, and spray some more sanitize cleaner, (which I have no idea of what is genuinely in this sanitize cleaner), gnats are sticking to the ceiling and walls, I am now gasping for air, the mask did not help, I begin to wonder WHY do I have to wear this mask in public, it is NOT protecting me from the poison I am currently breathing.

I go back to telling myself; it will be okay, turn on the outside lights and keep the gnats out there… I pour another glass of wine. I have to do something to stop this coughing. I ponder what to write about on my first night, and a LARGER stink bug appears on the lamp, making angry noises. I apologize to him and swat him with a kitchen towel. He is now on the ground, and I remember why these are called stink bugs…

I will finish my wine now; I hope I can breathe in the morning, although I am still wondering, sweet Jesus, what did I do?

Three Pro Tips when your trips don't Go as Planned:

*Every place we visit will not be perfect.

During my adventure, I decided this place wasn't for me. Others staying at this desert resort may have enjoyed the bug-filled solitude. I woke up with ants in my bed. Additionally, there was a fire close enough to breathe in the smoke. I chose to leave without a refund.

*Embrace each experience.

Learning to make the most of the time I stayed is a cherished memory. I screamed and laughed at myself a lot! Knowing what I do not want in my future dream of quiet and creative getaways is a great lesson. This adventure happened in the fall of 2020, an experience I won't forget. Don't focus on what is going wrong. Embrace the goodness.

*Be Prepared

I usually travel with snacks, water, and wine. There may not be a store or restaurant close. When things don't go as planned, what makes you happy? Know what you're necessities are.

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